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Skats.lv bilžu galerija

Albums navigation: 2214 / 9709

User data

  • pic_mango
  • User since:14.07.2008
  • Albums / Images count:9709 / 440846


Image properties

  • Upload time:10.09.2015 11:15
  • Dimensions:2116x1499
  • Filesize:1.09 MB


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man | white | portret | quill | people | paper | pen | one | men | chairs | chair | writing | seat | 1 | furniture | solo | persons | silk | vests | male | portrait | one person | prominent persons | half length | clothing | posed | adult | painting | seats | hold | wearing | single | males | writer | literature | author | european | human | paintings | half-length | shirt | jacket | portraits | adults | caucasian | holding | french | guy | guys | adult men | adult man | men's | fellow | mature | grownup | grownups | literary arts | upper half | upper part shot | upper part shots | half shot | portraiture | setup | famous people | prominent people | prominent person | desk | desks | jackets | outerwear | apparel | clothes | garment | apparels | garments | shirts | single person | 1 person | individual | one person only | human being | humans | person | human photography | lone | vest | caucasian ethnicity | whites | white ethnicity | inspiration | inspirational | holds | fine art | fineart | artworks | fine arts | visual arts | artwork | work of art | works of art | european culture | europeans | bright | french culture | western european culture | western european | west european | west european culture | inspire | inspired | inspiring | inspires | middle-aged | middle age | middle aged | middle-age | seating furniture | author/writer | author/writers | authors | writers | waistcoat | shiny | write | written | writes | pens | writing pens | writing pen | prominent figure | visual art | objets d'art | objet d'art | grayhaired | gray hair | gray-haired | grey hair | grey-haired | greyhaired | silver hair | silver haired | white hair | white haired | white-haired | grey haired | gray haired | gray hairs | oil painting | oil paintings | painting object | fine art painting | outer wear | seating | literary | philosopher | gleaming | shininess | quill pen | philosophy | philosophical | philosophers | rococo | waistcoats | waist coat | waistcoat vest | waist coat vest | inkwell | ink pot | ink well | inkpot | inkpots | inkwells | quills | quill pens | denis diderot | louis-michel van loo | louis michel vanloo | louis michel van loo |