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  • pic_mango
  • User since:14.07.2008
  • Albums / Images count:9709 / 440846


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  • Upload time:01.10.2015 15:35
  • Dimensions:4368x2912
  • Filesize:3.42 MB


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canada | easter | politics | gospel | religion | christian | church | toronto | jesus | cross | north america | procession | culture | tradition | traditional | ontario | ontarian | dominion of canada | heritage | deity | deities | christ | roman catholicism | catholic | roman catholic | catholic religion | catholicism | religious | religions | religious movements | christianity | cultural | cultures | heritages | traditions | cultural identity | community | communities | ceremonial objects | ritual artifact | ritual object | ritual artifacts | ritual objects | ceremonial object | political | churches | parish | parish church | eastertide | eastertime | pray | jesus christ | biblical | city of toronto | christian faith | easter sunday | easter week | easter celebration | easter weekend | catholic faith | good friday | crucifixion | crucifixions | crucified | crucifications | religious art | spiritual art | praying | prayers | prays | prayer | jesus of nazareth | jesus-christ | god | gods | crucifixion of jesus christ | christ on the cross | crucifixion of christ | jesus christ on the cross | the crucifixion | crucifixion of jesus | jesus christ is crucified | rosary | rosaries | rosary beads | processions | saint francis of assisi | francesco di pietro di bernardone | francis of assisi | st francis of assisi | st. francis of assisi | catholic church | catholic tradition | easter procession | good friday procession | crucifixion procession | toronto 2015 | easter 2015 | toronto ontario | good friday 2015 | passion of jesus christ | passion of christ | passion of jesus | passion of the christ | life of jesus christ | life of christ | new testament themes | new testament subjects | biblical theme | biblical subjects | christian art | prayer beads |