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A man shares his sandwich with a bird      
pic_mango » A man shares his sandwich with a bird (0) [Vida Press]
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Album data


Arhīva foto: Pasaule tieši pirms 100 gadiem

Albums navigation: 3322 / 9709

User data

  • pic_mango
  • User since:14.07.2008
  • Albums / Images count:9709 / 440846


Image properties

  • Time taken:2011-03-02 10:33:51
  • Upload time:10.03.2014 14:30
  • Dimensions:3930x4444
  • Filesize:8.14 MB
  • Focal length:1006632960/83886
  • Exposure Time:1/10
  • Aperture:f/9.5
  • Iso equiv:50
  • Focus dist:95/10


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man | daylight | white | animals | usa | people | one | birds | men | eat | animal | alone | fauna | bird | day | 1 | solo | persons | coat | male | headshot | one person | north america | daytime | clothing | facial | expression | head and shoulders | adult | wearing | single | males | outdoors | eating | human | side view | outside | views | united states of america | us | one animal | outdoor | adults | feeding | america | exterior | creatures | creature | caucasian | exteriors | aves | united states | guy | guys | adult men | adult man | men's | fellow | mature | grownup | grownups | outerwear | apparel | clothes | garment | apparels | garments | single person | 1 person | individual | one person only | human being | humans | person | human photography | lone | beasts | beast | profile | profiles | profile view | profile views | single animal | single animals | 1 animal | side | sideview | side views | side-view | profile side | view from the side | days | daylight shot | daylight shots | eats | caucasian ethnicity | whites | white ethnicity | u.s. | u.s.a. | the united states of america | united states america | the usa | the united states | outsides | outdoor shots | outdoor photo | outdoorphoto | outdoor outdoors | facial expression | expressions | facial expressions | facial_expression | head shot | headshots | head and shoulder | headgear | old-fashioned | old fashioned | perching | perched | perches | perch | birdie | birdies | munching | eyes closed | closed eyes | eyes shut | coats | formal wear | formal | formal clothes | formalwear | formal clothing | 1910s style | 1910s | 1910's | vintage collection |